Mini Dental Implant Process Explained
How do we do mini implants? How do we deliver mini dental implants? Initially, you come for a consultation and your case is evaluated. Do you have the proper bone? Do you have the proper support for mini dental implants? A cone beam CBCT X-ray is taken. This X-ray is a three dimensional image which shows me height, width and depth; thickness of your bone; which then dictates the size of the implant that we’re going to use.
You come back for the next visit. I place the implant. We place a temporary onto the implant, and we wait one month to allow things to heal. One month period goes by. The implant is solid, the implant is secure. We take the temporary crown, temporary dentistry off, take the impression for the permanent dentistry. We replace the temporary. You come back in two weeks, we swap the temporary for the permanent dentistry.