Do you have loose dentures? Are you tired of your dentures slipping while you are speaking to other people? Do you miss eating your favorite foods? Hope Dental offers an affordable way to secure your dentures to help you get back to enjoying life again. Learn about implant dentures today!
At Hope Dental, Dr. Ras is able to stabilize your denture with Mini Dental Implants. MDI’s are the most cost effective, least invasive way to secure your denture. Call us today to set up a consultation to find out how stabilizing your denture can literally change your life!
Stabilizing Loose Dentures
If you have loose dentures, Mini Dental Implants can literally change your life! Implant dentures offer the stability and functionality to allow you to eat what you want, speak with confidence, and improve your overall quality of life.
With mini dental implants, Dr. Ras is able to place the implant directly into your jaw without having to do minor surgery.
The implants can be ‘snapped’ onto special housing built into your denture. As a result, your denture will be more secure. To see if you are a candidate for denture stabilizing implants, call us today and schedule a FREE consultation!
The Process of Getting Implant Dentures at Hope Dental
Initial Visit
Diagnostics are necessary to help us evaluate the overall health of your bone. In order to determine if you are a good candidate for implant dentures, X-rays and impressions will be taken.
The Stabilization Process
Mini Dental Implants work in much the same way as conventional, root form implants do. However, because they are slightly smaller in diameter, they can be placed directly into your bone in one procedure. Your denture will have special housing built in that will snap onto the implant. This will help hold it securely in place for the rest of the day!
Schedule A Free Implant Consultation To Learn About Implant Dentures Today!
At Hope Dental in Cook County, IL, Dr. Russell Ras has over 30 years of experience providing dental care. Using the latest technologies at his state-of-the-art facilities, he can help you achieve the results you want. Get your teeth back by calling Hope Dental to schedule a Free consultation to learn how implant dentures can change your life!